Puget Sound Lego Train Club
About Us
Model Galleries

These are various models that you might see on any of our layouts. Clicking on any of these links will take you out of the PSLTC site to members' personal galleries.

- Passenger Trains
- Passenger Cars
- Locomotives and Cabooses
- Freight Cars
- Small Buildings
- Large Buildings
- Bridges
- Other Structures
- Details

Passenger Trains

Woodhall Express by Tony Hafner

Passenger Cars

Touring Car by Rick Clark

Locomotives and Cabooses

Allegheny 2-6-6-6 by Matt Chiles
GP-ish Locomotive by Tony Hafner
This is very loosely based on an EMD GP7 locomotive.

Freight Cars

Grain Hopper by Matt Chiles
Pickle Jar Car by Rick Clark
Wild West Livestock Car by Tony Hafner

Small Buildings

UW College by Rick Clark
7-Eleven Store by Tony Hafner
Starbucks Store by Tony Hafner
NYC Buildings by Anuradha Pehrson
Brownstones by Anuradha Pehrson

Large Buildings

Palazzo de Minifig by Anuradha Perhson
One Brick Plaza by Anuradha Perhson
Thirty-Six Thirty-Three Building by Anuradha Perhson

Covered Bridge by Rick Clark

Other Structures

Roller Coaster by Matt Chiles
Building Facades by Anuradha Pehrson


Motorized Pop-Up Troll by Rick Clark
A couple sits peacefully on the side of a hill, unaware of the danger that awaits them... too bad about those bushes obscuring the warning sign.
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